This section of the RAM web site covers our legislative and other policy-related activities.
RAM’s other policy activities include:
Participation in the state’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
Participation in the state government’s Environmental Purchasing Working Group:
RAM is an ex-officio member of the Minnesota Department of Administration’s Environmental Working Group. The Working Group is a group of state purchasers that meets monthly to promote environmentally preferable purchasing in state government. RAM is currently on a subcommittee of the Working Group that promotes purchasing of environmentally preferable carpet.
Participation in the Midwestern Workgroup on Carpet Recycling:
RAM participated on the Midwestern Workgroup on Carpet Recycling during 2000. The Workgroup, convened by the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA), the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Recycle Iowa, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was created to address the growing solid waste problem of post-consumer carpet. These agencies’ outstanding leadership, along with that of the carpet industry, has resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding on Product Stewardship for Carpet. RAM was pleased to have participated actively on the Task Force. For more information on the Task Force’s work, see the Workgroup’s web site.